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ABC Fire Extinguisher

ABC Fire Extinguisher

Features of ABC Fire Extinguishers :

  • Fights against Class A, B, C and Electrically started fires.
  • ABC Powder based MAP extinguishers work on all types of fires, including electrical fires.
  • Has a temper-proof Safety Seal that can be broken in seconds.
  • Ideal for applications where one is uncertain of what type of fire may arise.
  • Specialized design pressure gauge ensures perfect working and is 100% accurate.
  • Controllable Squeeze Grip Mechanism delivers controlled discharge of ABC powder.
  • A spot pressure extinguisher, the Cartridge can be instantly activated by firmly pressing the trigger.
  • Comes with ISO and CE Certifications, and conforms to ISI Standards. 
  • Comprehensive tests also guarantee that the products you buy are manufactured according to quality standards.
  • ABC Fire Extinguishers – Available in 1 kg / 2 kg/ 4 kg / 6 kg / 9 kg

ABC Fire Extinguisher Supplier

ABC Fire Extinguishers commonly utilise monoammonium phosphate, a dry chemical with the capability to rapidly put out many different types of fires by smothering the flames. ABC Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers are effective against all classes of fires (Class A, Class B, Class C and Electrically started).

Classes wise fire extinguishing uses:

  • Class A is for trash, wood, and paper
  • Class B is for liquids and gases.
  • Class C is for energized electrical sources.

Uses /Applications of ABC Fire Extinguisher

ABC Fire Extinguishers have ABC rating which is suitable for use with fires involving ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids and energized electrical equipment.

ABC Fire Extinguisher Specifications

Sizes (kg) Fire Rating Working Temperature Discharge Time (in Seconds) Discharge Range (in Meters) Fire Class that can be Doused
1 1A, 21B (-) 10°C to (+) 60°C 9 Seconds 2.5 Mtr A,B,C & Electric
2 1A, 21B (-) 10°C to (+) 60°C 9 Seconds 2.5 Mtr A,B,C & Electric
4 2A, 55B (-) 10°C to (+) 60°C 9 Seconds 2.5 Mtr A,B,C & Electric
6 3A, 89B (-) 10°C to (+) 60°C 9 Seconds 3 Mtr A,B,C & Electric
9 4A, 144B (-) 10°C to (+) 60°C 9 Seconds 3 Mtr A,B,C & Electric

About Us

At Cease Fire & Electrical Services LLP, we supply a wide range of ABC Fire Extinguishers in Mumbai, India. Cease Fire & Electrical Services LLP is one of the premier and leading names in ABC Fire Extinguishers supplier. Having more than 30 years of experience, we are one of the most trusted in the Fire Safety Industry. Our years of experience and passion for constantly striving to exceed the expectations of our clients have led us to become a key supplier of ABC Fire Extinguishers.

Cease Fire & Electrical Services LLP.’s Fire Extinguishers series are specially designed for high performance, simple method of operation and to achieve rapid Fire knock down capability of protection from ordinary to High Fire Hazards. The Fire extinguishers are manufactured by using high-end machineries and are portable and are ideal for domestic, commercial, industrial, and other protection needs and hence manufactured to suit the diverse fire safety needs of our clients. Fire Extinguishers have built for fully fail-safe working ensuring these products work without fail in each and every situation. Additionally, adhering to the Quality Standards of Latest BIS Approved and ISI Marked and CE Certifications.

Why Cease Fire & Electrical Services LLP

  • Superior-performance, quality products.
  • Competitive pricing, on time delivery.
  • More than 30 years of market experience.